Thursday, May 3, 2012

Reason #10 Why I Love Just Jewelry

Reason #10-Realistic Income

Just Jewelry offers their Consultants 50% commission on Every Piece of Jewelry they sell and you don't have to sell a certain amount to receive your commission either. What does this mean? This means that if someone orders a necklace for $24, you send Just Jewelry $12 and the other $12 is for you. How simple is that?!? You don't have to wait for corporate to issue you a check and the only think you pay are the shipping and taxes. Now the way I work my business is that for each item I sell I take a little from my commission to cover the cost of the taxes and shipping, so I spend no out of pocket money.

A lot of direct sells company offer commissions, but it depends on your monthly sales and you get issued a check on a certain date. How awesome would it be to have someone place an order and you get cash that same day? Pretty darn awesome if you ask me.  To find out how you can earn commission with Just Jewelry, visit my site at

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